Hiring the perfect person for the job can transform your company in many ways, and securing top talent is only the tip of the iceberg. Yes, you want the high performers- and the inevitable boost in productivity alone makes having a robust recruitment process critical for success. 
So how do you not only procure the top talent but keep them in the position for the long term too? Here are some strategies that you should be implementing straight away, to recruit and retain the top finance talent today. 
Your job description 
Your job description is likely to be the first thing that candidates will see, so it really needs to stand out and for all the right reasons. Your criteria when writing the job specification should be: 
• The job title itself- including the level you’re hiring for. 
• Qualifications required- and be specific about these requirements. 
• Key skills required- make sure to include the software the candidate will be required to use, and accountancy standards that are essential to the job. 
• Inclusive language- having a strong diversity and inclusion policy is essential for all businesses, and it's always good practise to ensure language reflects this from the beginning. 
You also need to consider the keywords that candidates might use to bring up a job search, to ensure they come across your ad first. Include these in your job description to give yourself better visibility overall. And let’s not forget that in today’s candidate market, salary is vital information for your job description, but so is your benefits package too. Don’t forget to include details of what you can offer to the right person if they come on board with you. 
The way you present your company during the recruitment process is critical for success. You need to ensure that your brand values shine through- and you need to also ensure that the job description itself reflects your values and what you stand for as a company. 
Lastly, where you advertise can make all the difference. Don’t forget that lots of the top talent will use social media for their job searches too, so utilise Linked in alongside the more traditional job sites. 
Analyse your brand 
What are candidates going to see when they come across your job ad and decide to look you up online? Does your website reflect who you are and what you do? Are you highlighting your strengths, achievements and brand values? Are you aligning your social media with your carefully curated website, to ensure consistency and professionalism at all times? Now might be a good time to check. 
Take a look at sites like Glassdoor, to gain an honest understanding of what previous employees are saying about you and your business. Take the feedback onboard, and reflect on how you could improve for new candidates. Does your company culture need refining? Are your employees happy to work for your company? If you want the attract top talent, this analysis is vital. 
Lean into your hard-earned contacts 
You’ve spent years nurturing a valuable network of fellow finance professionals; perhaps now is the time to utilise that knowledge and experience? Especially during this time, with the Great Resignation leaving many companies on the lookout for new talent, tapping into your network could make all the difference. So ask for recommendations, see if they’re looking for new opportunities and consider hiring candidates that you already know are up to the job. 
Fine-tune your interview skills 
The interview stage is not just essential for you to assess the candidates and whether or not they’re a good fit for the role. It’s also a chance for the candidates to assess whether you are a good fit for them, too. How you carry out the interview process can play a huge role in whether or not you secure that top talent, or whether they go elsewhere. 
• Keep your entire interview process slick and streamlined. Don’t drag it out; the top talent will be more likely to lose interest and accept alternative offers if they’re kept waiting too long. 
• Try to be as unbiased as you can. Make sure your interview panel is diverse and reflective of all groups. 
• Keep in mind whether or not the candidate would fit seamlessly into your current company’s culture. Yes, the required skills are essential for the job, but how are their interpersonal skills? Do they align with your brand values and echo your company mission in their own beliefs and goals? The top talent is more likely to stay with you if their views are in line with yours from the word go. 
Make the offer 
You’ve found the right person for the job, now it’s time to create an employment package they can’t say no to. Make sure you incorporate training opportunities and other benefits that will not only serve the candidate and their needs, but yours too. 
Training can boost productivity, increase job satisfaction and keep staff motivated and secure in their positions. Investing in training is a surefire way to not only enhance profits, but your top talent is more likely to stay in a position where they’re able to see true progression too. 
Lastly, don’t forget to include considerations for flexible working arrangements if they’re required. Doing so from the outset can make or break the deal for some, and adjusting the way you work may well prove to be beneficial for all. Flexible working is here to stay, so don’t be afraid to include this as a positive solution for you both. 
If you need help with any of the things we have talked about in this blog then get in touch today, we are true specialists in what we do and we help businesses secure the top finance talent that make a real impact and stay for the long term. 
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